
Volunteer Guest Background Screening Process

The Blue Springs School District has partnered with the local company DataSource to enhance and strengthen our current background screening process for Volunteer Guests. It is FREE, SECURE, and SIMPLE to register.

Please go to the link below. All Blue Springs School District schools will be listed. Click on the building in which you are planning to volunteer. (If you have students attending multiple buildings, you will only need to complete one application. After completing the application, please contact the Building School Resource Officer for the school you applied at and let them know you have students at additional locations).

Please note:  district employees/volunteer staff are required to receive a MACHS (Missouri Automated Criminal History System) background check prior to being employed. This is a comprehensive background check with continuous monitoring. Therefore, district employees looking to volunteer at their child’s school should not complete this screening as they have already been evaluated through the MACHS system.  After submission, please wait for an email from DataSource. The email will let you know whether you have been approved or denied.  Volunteer applications MUST be submitted at least five (5) days before the event for which you are volunteering.  Link:


DYE Lunch Visitor Sign-Up
2024-2025 School Year

Starting September 23, 2024, all elementary schools in the Blue Springs School District will allow visitors to eat lunch with their students. To help maintain a safe and orderly school environment, we ask for your cooperation by adhering to the guidelines below:

  • Please use the following link to sign-up to eat lunch with your student.  Guests must sign-up at least two days in advance.  This helps us better accommodate our guests and seating.  Sign-Up Link:

  • Please allow time to check in at the front office. A photo ID will be requested. Once properly checked in, visitors must wear a visitor sticker while in the building. The process will be more efficient if all your information is updated in the Parent Portal.
  • All lunch visitors must complete the Volunteer Guest Background Screening Process.  (See Information in the section above.)
  • A designated eating area will be identified at each school. Lunch will be with you and your student only.  We request that other students not sit or share food with you and your student.  Once the student’s lunch period is over, all visitors must leave the building and are not allowed to walk their student to the classroom or attend recess.
  • Please exit through the front office so that you may check out with the office personnel.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the office with any questions you may have.


Office Hours:

8:00am - 4:00pm 



Todd Nurnberg, Principal
email: [email protected]

Missie Goss, Assistant Principal

Tricia Thiess, Counselor

Brittany Latta, Secretary

Erin Rose, Receptionist

Christine Hensley, Health Aide

Phillip Barragan, SRO

Upcoming dates




February 4th- NO school

February 13th- 1st grade performance 7:00pm

February 17th- NO school

February 18th- DYE Spring Picture Day

March 13th- 2nd grade performance 7:00pm 

March 17th-21st- NO school (Spring Break)


No events available.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 26, no eventsJanuary 27, no eventsJanuary 28, no eventsJanuary 29, no eventsJanuary 30, no eventsJanuary 31, no eventsFebruary 01, no events
February 02, no eventsFebruary 03, no eventsFebruary 04, no eventsFebruary 05, no eventsFebruary 06, no eventsFebruary 07, no eventsFebruary 08, no events
February 09, no eventsFebruary 10, no eventsFebruary 11, no eventsFebruary 12, no eventsToday, February 13, no eventsFebruary 14, no eventsFebruary 15, no events
February 16, no eventsFebruary 17, no eventsFebruary 18, no eventsFebruary 19, no eventsFebruary 20, no eventsFebruary 21, no eventsFebruary 22, no events
February 23, no eventsFebruary 24, no eventsFebruary 25, no eventsFebruary 26, no eventsFebruary 27, no eventsFebruary 28, no eventsMarch 01, no events